SEG Isolation Cabins
Meet the Quarantine & Isolation requirements with SEG Isolation Cabins Provide immediate facility and care to the suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 by setting up the Isolation cabins at the respective quarantine sites or even hospitals. As the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the rising number of infections, cases, and thus the hospitals have been filled up to provide immediate treatment to the confirmed patients, therefore, these SEG isolation cabins make it feasible to provide the facility to rest of the patients by installing isolation cabins in other premises or empty areas within the hospital, outside in the huge gardens or yards, and other locations too. Place the order for SEG isolation cabins at BannerBuzz as we are providing differently sized cabins and room availability in each cabin so that the suspected or confirmed patients are not being deprived of the care and prevention that they require at the moment. Quality, performance, and durability are assured as the frames of these isolation cabins have been constructed from aluminum & are available with attachments, and polyester has been implied as to the fabric material.